

Curiosity is my characteristic trait, along with enthusiasm. As an archaeologist, I like to work with people with different expertises to keep on learning about our wonderful world. We are our past. Archaeology and history are paths that lead society to a better understanding of itself. This is why the link between science and society is so important. My chief interest is the study of Bronze and Iron Age communities in Italy. Over the years, I have grown into an expert of the archaeology of ancient Latium, the cradle of modern Rome. I’m fascinated by the socio-economic and political developments that led to the emergence of social inequality, a phenomenon that I approach critically. Digging has always been a passion, since I was seventeen. I started with a local Archaeological Association, at Nemi( in the Alban Hills) and along the Via Appia, and then with the university, in all Italy. I also spent some years in commercial archaeology, which gave me a great experience in organising and coordinating a lot of people.


5.4.2023 – present – Researcher at the Department of Science of Antiquity (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)

In the framework of the PNRR funded project Il paesaggio sacrale lungo l’Aniene e la via Tiburtina Valeria (dall’alta Sabina all’Appennino): contesti archeologici e testi antichi

5.4.2023 – present – Associate Researcher at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Principal Investigator of the NWO-funded project ‘Salt and Power. Early States, Rome and Resource Control’.

1.11.2021 – 4.4.2023 – Researcher at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Principal Investigator of the NWO-funded project ‘Salt and Power. Early States, Rome and Resource Control’. The project aim is to establish how salt was produced before the birth of the first Early States, and how its production kept pace with the rising population of the early states, in particular Rome. The international team will apply a novel interdisciplinary field methodology combining geophysical techniques, soil chemistry, excavations, and functional and chemical artefact analysis. Outcomes will be evaluated within the anthropological framework of early state formation, in this case the competitive world of the early Etruscan and Latin city-states.

1.3.2019 – 31.10.2021 – Associate Researcher at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

At the moment I’m studying the Bronze Age and Iron Age salt-production and fish-processing in Italy using the data from the Caprolace excavation as a case study. I am also investigating the Copper Age and Bronze Age burial site of La Sassa cave, using an integrated approach. The traditional anthropological and material culture evidence is flanked and supported by stable isotopes analyses (N, C) for the ancient diet, radiogenic isotope analysis (Sr) for the mobility and aDNA for sex. I am studying the Early and Middle Bronze Age potsherds from both excavations and their relative and absolute (14C) chronology in the framework of the currently accepted Italian sequences.

2021 – GIS Analyst at the University of Bologna Alma Mater (Italy)

A two months collaboration as a GIS Analyst in the framework of the project Paesaggi di Mobilità e Memoria (Mobility and Memory landscapes). Dipartimento Storia Cultura e Civiltà (Department of History, Culture and Civilization)

10.11.2020 – National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor

I got the qualification for associate professor in archaeology by the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR).

13.2.2020 – present day – Subject Expert at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

28.5.2020Seminar for the students of the Department of Humanities of the University of Roma 3 (Italy)

Title: Le lagune costiere nella protostoria: i laghi di Paola e di Caprolace  (The Paola and Caprolace coastal lagoons during protohistory)

10.2.2020Lecture for the PhD students of the Department of Humanities and Modern Culture of the University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

Title: Applicazioni GIS in archeologia come strumenti per la tutela, lo studio e la valorizzazione del territorio: alcuni casi studio (Gis applications in archaeology. Their use as a protection, study and valorization tool: some case studies)

1.6.2015 – 28.2.2019Researcher at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

In the framework of the NWO-funded project ‘The Avellino Event: cultural and demographic effects of the great Bronze Age eruption of Mount Vesuvius’. I was responsible for the cultural studies and the isotopic mobility sub-project. I directed two excavations (La Sassa cave and Caprolace) aiming at new cultural and chronological evidence in the Bronze Age. I explored the implications and potential of the tephrochronology to synchronize the Italian Bronze Age with the Aegean and Central European chronological sequences. I proposed a new data for the Early Bronze Age Avellino eruption, using a Bayesian approach, and an updated chronological European scheme. I also acted as liaison between our research group and heritage managers, local authorities and researchers in Italy.

23.10.2018 – Seminar at the Department of Humanities of the University of Rome 3 (Italy)

Title: Palaeogeography, catastrophism and continuity: the long term reconstruction of settlement and land use in Bronze Age and Iron Age Lazio, the case of the Agro Pontino (with prof. P. Attema)

23-29.3.2017 – Seminar at the Department of Humanities of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

Title: GIS application in archaeology

5.9.2015 – Session Organizer at the European Association of Archaeologists

Title: Diffusion and transformation of burial practices in the Italian Peninsula. Investigating the connections between funerary customs in Europe and the Mediterranean during the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age

29.10.2009Doctor of Philosophy at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Title: Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.
Promotors: prof. dr. P.A.J. Attema; prof. R. Peroni
Evaluation committee: prof dr. M. Kleibrink; prof. dr. F. Vermeulen; prof. A. Guidi
I presented an in-depth analysis of the socio-economic dynamics that took place in Latium Vetus from the Bronze Age until the Early Iron Age. An up-to-date explanation of the emergence of the social inequality and the warrior elite was proposed, as well as a new subsistence and settlement model for the protohistory of South Latium

13.12.2001Master Degree at University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

Title: L’occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale
Promotors: prof. R. Peroni, dr. A. Zarattini
I analysed the evolution of the coastal settlement and their relationships with the inner developing early states. I revisited all the already known sites checking and proposing up-to-date chronologies



2021Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Council, NWO). Grant for a four year research project in the framework of the Open Competition SSH.
TITLE: Salt and Power. Early States, Rome and resource control 
ROLE: Principal Investigator

2021Istituto Italiano Preistoria e Protostoria (IIPP). Grant for chemical analyses on Bronze Age and Iron Age potsherds.
TITLE: La produzione del sale nell’età del Bronzo: un caso di studio nella Pianura Pontina
ROLE: Investigator

2015Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Council, NWO). Grant for a four year research project in the framework of the Open Competition SSH.
TITLE: The Avellino Event: cultural and demographic effects of the great Bronze Age eruption of Mount Vesuvius
ROLE: Co-Principal Investigator (responsible for the archaeological investigations)

2002Ubbo Emmius fund. Grant for a four year PhD.
TITLE: Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age
ROLE: PhD candidate







I got my first license in 1990 and after a couple of years I started to teach scuba diving with the Ostia Diving Center (Rome) and then with the Argonauta Dive Club (Rome), as assistant instructor. I participated in an Underwater archaeology course in collaboration with the STAS (Underwater Archaeology Technical Service of the Cultural Heritage Ministry). I’m also trained in teaching scuba diving to people with mobility or visual impairments.

NADD Global Diving Agency


National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)


Handicapped Scuba Association (HSA)


Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva e Attività Subacquee (FIPSAS)





I started to explore caves in 1995, with the Grottaferrata Speleological Group, mainly in southern Latium. I’m a founding member and former president (2008-2012) of the Alban Hills Cave Group. I contribute to the publication of the Aurunci Mountains Cave Atlas. In 2013 I coordinated the organization of the VI Regional Congress of the Latium Speleological Federation (FSL) and I edited the proceedings. I served in the FSL being responsible for the Natural Cave Regional Cadastre and the editor in chief of the association journal from 2014 to 2018.

Federazione Speleologica del Lazio



Gruppo Grotte Castelli Romani

2012 to 2018 – MEMBER
2008 to 2012 – PRESIDENT

Gruppo Speleologico Grottaferrata (HSA)

1995 to 2008 – MEMBER






Alessandri L., Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Il Latium Vetus nell’età del Bronzo e nella prima età del Ferro, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 2565, Oxford, 2013

Alessandri L., L’occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 1592, Oxford, 2007



Bulian F., Alessandri L., Attema P., Sevink J., Bronze Age to Roman period salt production in the coastal areas of peninsular Italy: Palaeoenvironments, production methods and archaeological evidence, Quaternary Science Review, 344, 2024, DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108930 

Attema P., Alessandri L., de Haas T., Tol G., Sevink J., Navigating the past of the Pontine plain, human and wetland interaction from protohistory to the Early Modern period, L’Archeologo Subacqueo XXX n.s., 76, 2024, DOI 10.4475/0772_6 

Alessandri L., Sottili G., Belardelli C, A review of available analytical methods to detect ancient salt production, Quaternary Science Review 338, 2024, DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108809 

Fulminante F., Alessandri L., Salt Production in Central Italy and Social Network Analysis Centrality Measures: An Exploratory Approach (Italy), Open Archaeology, 10, DOI 10.1515/opar-2024-0003 

Attema P. A. J., Alessandri L., Bulian F., De Neef W., Sevink J. Studying Coastal Resources and Resource Control in the Context of Early State Formation on the Tyrrhenian Coast (Italy), in Pirson F., Schütt B., Schulz T. (eds), Tagungen und Kongresse 3, p. 59-65, DOI (book) 10.34780/b573-qb3b 

Attema, P. A. J., Di Marco, Van Leusen, M., Alessandri, L. Cultural and Demographic Effects of the Great Bronze Age Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Overview of main project results, publications and valorisation activities, Palaeohistoria 63/64, DOI 10.21827/66276c2bb7647 

D’Agostino, A., Di Marco, G., Rolfo, M. F., Alessandri, L., Marvelli, S., Braglia, R., Congestri, R., Berrilli, F., Fuciarelli, M. F., Ferracci, A., Canini, A., Gismondi, A., Microparticles from dental calculus disclose paleoenvironmental and palaeoecological records, Ecology and Evolution, 14, DOI 10.1002/ece3.11053,  

Alessandri L., Attema P. A. J., Bulian F., Sevink J., De Neef W., Baiocchi V., Rolfo M. F., Cifani G., Ceccato Z. L. A., Cusimano L., De Vos M., Di Giacomo L., Fiorillo A., Gianni V., Improta C., Rossi C., Ter Horst Y., Vagliviello S., Salt in Late Iron Age Italy. A multidisciplinary approach to the exploration of Italy’s coastal exploitation sites: Piscina Torta (Ostia, Rome) case study, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, DOI j.jasrep.2023.104361 


Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Monti F., Cusimano L., Fiorillo A., Gianni V., Rossi C., Attema P. A. J., Rolfo M. F., Low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic receiver to build a cartographic grid on the ground for an archaeological survey at Piscina Torta (Italy), ACTA IMEKO, 12(4) DOI 10.21014/actaimeko.v12i4.1561 

Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Monti F., Intensive archaeological survey at Piscina Torta: use of a low-cost RTK portable kit to materialise a UTM grid on the ground, IMEKO Proceedings DOI 10.21014/tc4-ARC-2022.035 

Alessandri L., El Lacio entre la Edad del Bronce y la Edad del Hierro, Desperta Ferro, 47 (El origen de Roma)

Romboni M., Arienzo I., Di Vito M.A., Lubritto C., Piochi M., Di Cicco M. R., Rickards O., Rolfo M. R., Sevink J., De Angelis F., Alessandri L., La Sassa cave: Isotopic evidence for Copper Age and Bronze Age population dynamics in Central Italy, PLOS ONE 18(7): e0288637 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0288637 

Sevink J., de Haas T.C.A., Alessandri L., Bakels C.C., Di Mario F., The Pontine Marshes: An integrated study of the origin, history, and future of a famous coastal wet-land in Central Italy., Holocene, 2023 DOI 10.1177/09596836231176495 


Alessandri L., Salt and Power: Early States, Rome and Resource Control. A new research project based at Groningen Institute of Archaeology, Saltcote, 10, 2022, Saltcote repository 

Gatta M.,Fiorillo A., Salari L., Achino K. F., Rolfo M. F., Alessandri L., The faunal assemblage from La Sassa cave (Latium, Italy): Environmental perspective of a Late Pleistocene cave hyena – Brown bear den, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 46, 103691, 2022 DOI 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103691

Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Melandri G., Monti F., Canu A., Ruzzi L., Servodio G., Efficient three-dimensional survey techniques and their comparison in open software in the archaeological test site of “Ninfeo Maggiore” and “Ninfeo Minore” of Formia (Latina, Italy), Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W1-2022, 13–20, 2022 DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W1-2022-13-2022

Blanco D., Alessandri L., Alimonti C., Baiocchi V., Sebastiani Del Grande P., Serio G., Technical observations about a possible new portion of the Aqua Iulia Roman aqueduct in the municipality of Ciampino (Italy), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2204, 2022, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2204/1/012097

Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Feiken H., Monti F., Van Leusen M., Ancient landscape reconstruction using archive data from the Pontine Plain (Italy): the Caprolace lagoon case study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2204, 2022, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2204/1/012015

Alessandri L., Attema P. J.,From briquetage to salterns in protohistoric Central Italy. Research of a fundamental subsistence commodity, IpoTESI di Preistoria 14, 2022, 161-168, DOI 10.6092/issn.1974-7985/14338


Alessandri L., Belardelli C., Attema P. J., Cortese F., Rolfo M. F., Sevink J., Van Gorp W., Bronze and Iron Age salt production on the Italian Tyrrhenian coast. An overview, in M. Gnade and M. Revello Lami (eds), Tracing Technology. Forty years of archaeological research at Satricum, Babesch Supplements 42, 2021, Peeters, Leuven. 

Belardelli C., Alessandri L., Aranguren B. M., Attema P. J., Cinquegrana M. R., Montagnari Kokelj M., Negroni Catacchio N., Pacciarelli M., Il Sale. Record archeologico, produzione e manipolazione, in I. Damiani, A. Cazzella, V. Copat (eds), Preistoria del cibo. L’alimentazione nella preistoria e nella protostoria, Studi di Preistoria e Protostoria 6, 2021, Firenze. 

Romboni M., Arienzo I., Antonio Di Vito M., Lubritto C., Piochi M., Di Cicco M. R., Rickards O., Rolfo M. F., Sevink J., De Angelis F., Alessandri L., Isotopic evidence for population dynamics in the Central Italian Copper Age and Bronze Age, bioRxiv 2021.09.30.462554, 2021, DOI 10.1101/2021.09.30.462554

Blanco D., Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., De Laurenzi A., Monti F., Nicolosi I., Urbini S., Vatore F., A new branch of the Anio Novus aqueduct (Rome, Italy) revealed by archaeology and geophysics, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., VIII-M-1-2021, 49–56, 2021, DOI 10.5194/isprs-annals-VIII-M-1-2021-49-2021

Alessandri L., Cardello G. L., Attema P.A.J., Baiocchi V., De Angelis F., Del Pizzo S., Di Ciaccio F., Fiorillo A., Gatta M., Monti F., Onori M., Rolfo M. F. , Romboni M., Sottili G., Troisi S., Reconstructing the Late Pleistocene – Anthropocene interaction between the neotectonic and archaeological landscape evolution in the Apennines (La Sassa cave, Italy), Quaternary Science Review, 265, 2021, DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107067

Sevink J., Muyzer G., Arienzo I., Mormone A., Piochi M., Alessandri L., van Hall R. L., Palstra S. W. L. Dee Michael W., The protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy): A multidisciplinary attempt to unravel its age and role in the salt supply of Early States in Tyrrhenian Central Italy, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38, 2021, DOI 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103055 

Saupe T., Montinaro F., Scaggion C., Carrara N., Kivisild T., D’Atanasio E., Hui R., Solnik A., Lebrasseur O., Larson G., Alessandri L., Arienzo I., De Angelis F., Rolfo M.F., Skeates R., Silvestri L., Beckett J., Talamo S., Dolfini A., Miari M., Metspalu M., Benazzi S., Capelli C., Pagani L., Scheib C.L., Ancient genomes reveal structural shifts after the arrival of Steppe-related ancestry in the Italian Peninsula, Current Biology, 2021, DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.022 


Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Del Pizzo S., Di Ciaccio F., Onori M., Rolfo M. F., Troisi S., The fusion of external and internal 3d photogrammetric models as a tool to investigate the ancient human/cave interaction: the La Sassa case study, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-B2-2, 1443-1450, 2020, DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-1443-2020

Sevink J., De Neef W., Alessandri L., van Hall R. L., Ullrich B., Attema A., Protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy): principles and processes of an industry, based on the leaching of saline lagoonal sediments, Geoarchaeology, p. 1-18, 2020, DOI 10.1002/gea.21820  

Alessandri L. , Baiocchi V., Del Pizzo S., Di Ciaccio F., Onori M., Rolfo M.F., Troisi S., A flexible and swift approach for the 3D image-based survey in cave, Applied Geomatics, 2020, DOI 10.1007/s12518-020-00309-4


Alessandri L., Achino K., Attema A., De Novaes Nascimento, Gatta M., Rolfo M. F., Sevink J., Sottili G., Van Gorp W., Salt or Fish (or salted fsh)? The Bronze Age specialised sites along the Tyrrhenian coast of central Italy: new insights from Caprolace settlement, PLOS ONE 14 (11), 2019 , DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.022443

Attema A., Alessandri L., Bakels C., Doorenbosch M., Field M., Van Gorp W., De Haas T., Van Leusen M., Tol G., Sevink J., Vecchie e nuove ricerche multidisciplinari nel territorio di Sezze e nelle zone adiacenti, IpoTESI di Preistoria, 11, 1, p. 103-118, 2019, DOI 10.6092/issn.1974-7985/990  

Alessandri L., The early and Middle Bronze Age (1/2) in South and central Tyrrhenian Italy and their connections with the Avellino eruption: An overview, Quaternary International, 499B, p. 161-185, 2019, DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.08.002

Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Del Pizzo S., Di Ciaccio F., Onori M., Rolfo M. F., Troisi S., Three-dimensional survey of Guattari cave with traditional and mobile phone cameras, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W11, 37-41, 2019, DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W11-37-2019  

Alessandri L., Baiocchi V., Del Pizzo S., Rolfo M. F., Troisi S., Photogrammetric survey with fisheye lens for the characterization of the La Sassa Cave, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W9, 25-32, 2019, DOI 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W9-25-2019  


Alessandri L., Inquadramento geoambientale e testimonianze umane delle fasi pre- e protostoriche, M. Torelli, E. Marroni (eds), Castrum Inui. Il santuario di Inuus alla foce del Fosso dell’Incastro, Monumenti Antichi Lincei, 76, 39-62, 2018

Baiocchi V., Alessandri L., Giannone F., Pre-Bonifica maps of the Agro Pontino: an assessment, proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Cassino, 22-24 October 2018, 2018

1999 – 2017

De Neef, W., Alessandri L., Burkart U., Rolfo M. F., Grot, bot, pot, weerstandsplot. Archeologisch en geofysisch en onderzoek in de grot La Sassa (Lazio, Italië), Paleoaktueel 28, 27-32, 2017 

Alessandri L., Hierarchical and federative polities in protohistoric Latium Vetus. An analysis of Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement organization, international conference Early states, territories and settlements in protohistoric Central Italy, Corollaria Crustumina 2, 67–82, 2016

Alessandri L., Exploring territories: Bubble Model and Minimum Number of Contemporary Settlements: A case study from Etruria and Latium Vetus from the Early Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age, Origini XXXVII, 173–197, 2016 

Attema P., Van Leusen M., Field M., Alessandri L., Doorenbosch M., Van Gorp W., The Avellino Event: cultural and demographic effects of the great bronze age eruption of mount Vesuvius, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie, 54, 56, 2015 

Alessandri L., Rolfo M. F., L’utilizzo delle cavità naturali nella media età del Bronzo: nuovi dati dal Lazio meridionale, Bollettino Unione Storia e Arte, 109-126, 2015 

Alessandri L., Gagliardi A., Tozzi R., La grotta di S. Pietro a Campea (Roccasecca, FR), Speleologia del Lazio, 8, 60-67, 2015 

Alessandri L., Del Fattore F. R., Schiappelli A., Scanno (AQ): ricerche di superficie nel territorio. Primi risultati, Quaderni di Archeologia d’Abruzzo, Notiziario Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Abruzzo, 384-391, 2014 

Vanzetti A., Alessandri L., Bettelli M., Campanella R., Castagna M. A., Di Renzoni A., Ferranti F., Gennusa R., Pizzitutti G., Schiappelli A., Pulitano G., The Broglio experiment in reproducing ‘mixed Italian products’, Jones R., Levi S. T., Bettelli M., Vagnetti L., Italo-Mycenaean pottery: the archaeological and archaeometric dimensions, Roma, 393-402, 2014 

Alessandri L., Ceramica d’impasto, Museo della Città di Monte Porzio Catone. Catalogo scientifico I, Sezione archeologica e Storico artistica, Tusculana, Quaderni del Museo di Monte Porzio Catone 6, Roma2, 2013

Attema P. A. J., Alessandri L., Salt production on the Tyrrhenian coast in South Lazio (Italy) during the Late Bronze Age: its significance for understanding contemporary society, Internationa conference Salz und Gold Die Rolle des Salzes im prähistorischen Europa, Provadia, Bulgaria, 2010, 287-300, 2012 

Alessandri L., Bronze Age, in Attema P., de Haas T., Tol G. (eds), Between Satricum and Antium: settlement dynamics in a coastal landscape in Latium Vetus, 43-46 and 126-140, 2011 

Alessandri L., Grotta della Falange Armata, in Monti Aurunci Occidentali. Ricerche Speleologiche 2007-2009, 47-51, 2010 

Alessandri L., Note speleogenetiche, in Monti Aurunci Occidentali. Ricerche Speleologiche 2007-2009, 61-65, 2010 

Alessandri L., Insediamenti dell’età del Bronzo (XVII-XI sec. a.C.), in Attema P., de Haas T., Tol G. (eds), Nettuno. Il territorio dalla preistoria al medioevo, p. 43-48, 2009 

Attema P., van Leusen M., Alessandri L., Anastasia C., Land systems, insediamenti e strategie di sussistenza nella protostoria della regione pontina, proceedings of XL Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Strategie di insediamento fra Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica, Firenze, 657-670, 2007 

Alessandri L., Barbina P., Materiali protostorici dal promontorio del Circeo, proceedings of XL Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Strategie di insediamento fra Lazio e Campania in età preistorica e protostorica, Firenze, 873-876, 2007 

Alessandri L., Il territorio di Nettuno nell’età del Bronzo, proceedings of the congress Le Carte Archeologiche di Anzio e Nettuno, Anzio, p. 51-58, 2007

Alessandri L., Tol G., Cretarossa/San Rocco, in Belardelli C., Angle M., di Gennaro F., Trucco F. (eds), Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio. Province di Roma, Viterbo e Frosinone, 215-218, 2007 

Alessandri L., Fosso Foglino, in Belardelli C., Angle M., di Gennaro F., Trucco F. (eds), Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio. Province di Roma, Viterbo e Frosinone, 218-219, 2007

Alessandri L., Saracca, in Belardelli C., Angle M., di Gennaro F., Trucco F. (eds), Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio. Province di Roma, Viterbo e Frosinone, 224-225, 2007

Alessandri L., Protohistorische vindplaatsen in en rond Tusculum (gemeente Monte Porzio Catone, Albaanse heuvels, Italie), Paleo-Aktueel 17, 99-102, 2006

Alessandri L., L’occupazione costiera nell’età del Bronzo media, recente e finale nel Lazio centromeridionale, in Attema P., Nijboer A., Zifferero A., con Satijn O., Alessandri L., Bierma M., Bolhuis E. (eds), Papers in Italian Archaeology VI, Communities and Settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval Period, BAR International Series 1452, p. 637-645 , 2005

Egidi R., di Gennaro F., Barbaro B., Alessandri L., Di Renzoni A., Favorito S., Iaia C., Sabatini S., Schiappelli A.,, L’area di Lucrezia Romana-Osteria del Curato (Roma). Ricerche su un comprensorio peri-insediativo della tarda età del Bronzo, Attema P., Nijboer A., Zifferero A., con Satijn O., Alessandri L., Bierma M., Bolhuis E. (eds), Papers in Italian Archaeology VI, Communities and Settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval Period, BAR International Series 1452, 666-672, 2005

Alessandri L., Campanella R., Righini D., L’età preistorica e protostorica, Spadea R. (ed), Scolacium: una città romana in Calabria: il Museo e il parco archeologico, Milano, 2005

Alessandri L., Campanella R., Righini D., Nuovi dati dal territorio tra Torrente Fiumarella e Vallone Galliporo (Catanzaro), proceeding of the XXXVII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Preistoria e protostoria della Calabria, Scalea, Papasidero, Praia a Mare, Tortora, 29.9-4.10.2002, 819-823, Firenze, 2004

Alessandri L., Cassetta I., Gatti D., Il Bronzo finale nella Calabria settentrionale, proceeding of the XXXVII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Preistoria e protostoria della Calabria, Scalea, Papasidero, Praia a Mare, Tortora, 29.9-4.10.2002, Firenze, 2004

Levi S. T., Tigano, G., Vanzetti A., Alessandri L., Barbaro B., Cassetta I., Castagna M.A., Gatti D., Sabatini S., Schiappelli A., Distribuzione della ceramica e uso degli spazi della Capanna 1 di viale dei Cipressi (facies di Capo Graziano), proceeding of the XXXV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Le comunità della preistoria italiana. Studi e ricerche sul Neolitico e le Età dei metalli, Lipari, 2-7.6.2000, 895-898, Firenze, 2003

Tunzi Sisto A.M., Moffa C., Alessandri L., Corazza V., Di Renzoni A., L’ipogeo 5 di Terra di Corte, San Ferdinando di Puglia (Foggia). Rapporto preliminare, proceeding of the XIX Convegno Nazionale sulla Preistoria – Protostoria – Storia della Daunia, II, 237-253, 1999






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